We provide the following technical support services to Network Rail’s Principal Contractors and Developers or Contractors undertaking construction work adjacent to Network Rail infrastructure: -
- • Performing the role of Contractors Engineering Manager (CEM) where applicable, or providing support to company CEM in compliance with NR/L2/INI/02009.
- • Performing the role of Contractor’s Responsible Engineer, CRE (Design and Construction) for specific projects or contracts.
- • Developing and mentoring programme for in-house CEM / CRE to comply with NR/L2/INI/02009.
- • Advising on Network Rail requirements, procedures and standards for the management of civil engineering / construction works over, under or adjacent to Network Rail infrastructure.
- • Undertaking full scale project management for all types and sizes of projects which includes production of relevant project compliance documentation packs (Construction Phase Plan, Work Package Plan or Method Statements, Environmental & Waste Management plan, Consents, Health & Safety File etc.).